Reminding Why

We’ve reached the time of year when seasons literally are preparing to change. So we need to refocus ourselves on that fact. That’s why on this edition of “Becoming Today”, i want to spend some time remembering why it all began. Originally shared as “Why Becoming Became My Way“, this is my testimony as toContinue reading “Reminding Why”

Why I’ve Continued “Becoming”

As we gather on this last day of our second year together, I feel the need to continue revisiting some of the foundational aspects of this shared path, we’ve been exploring. Then on this edition of “Becoming Today”, I want to discuss some topics many of you have been reaching out about as of late.Continue reading “Why I’ve Continued “Becoming””

Six Days To Go

The end is nearly here. Another year and another December are soon to have passed. After experiencing the unusually cold arctic blast of the past week and a lot of chilly moments over the past few months, there is a song that has really been striking a chord with me. That’s where we’ll pick upContinue reading “Six Days To Go”

Why Becoming Became My Way

Starting from a place of total transparency and absolute honesty, this is a difficult conversation for me. Usually putting words on a page or filling a screen with idioms, expressions and phrases is something that flows easily for me. Part of my God-given talents  to share, nurture, express and communicate. However this one is different.Continue reading “Why Becoming Became My Way”

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