Unwrap Your Gifts

What are you waiting for? You’ve received these gifts, so why just put them away in the closet without even opening them? More than likely you may not even realize that you have already received them. Yet there they are stored within ready to make your day easier and more profitable. Our conversation on thisContinue reading “Unwrap Your Gifts”

Perhaps This Is Why?

It happens to everyone. There are times along our journey where we simply do not see movement. We may feel stuck, but we are being held in place, so we can be better prepared for our next step, our next realization. Here at “Becoming Today”  being held in place is all about timing. And keepingContinue reading “Perhaps This Is Why?”

Every Day

… is a promise. Every day is a gift. Every day holds the potential, to learn, to grow; to become amazed and blessed.  In fact every moment of every day is filled with limitless possibilities. And yes even the opportunity for ‘these’ to occur.  What are the ‘these’ I’m referring to? Let’s explore that, togetherContinue reading “Every Day”


The word “maybe” often gets a bad rap.  It implies uncertainty, hesitation, or a lack of commitment. However what if we chose to reframe it?  As we begin May, the fifth month of this year of “4-All”, notice that it shares its name with “maybe”. A beautiful coincidence? Nah. Especially since there is no suchContinue reading “Maybe?”

Living In Accord

Each day we should be resolving ourselves to achieve small, attainable goals,. With that understood in our shared acceptance, now it’s time to go a little deeper. Are you ready to talk about how personal success aligns you with the Divine plan?  I am.  So that will be our focus on this edition of “BecomingContinue reading “Living In Accord”

Reconciling Reconciliation

Does the word reconciliation scare you? Why?  Perhaps are you fearful you’ll face some sort of punishment, if you take an honest, intentional look at yourself? Our focus now is on resolving ourselves to accept the gift of reconciliation and all that empowers us to be and progress forward towards, together, step by step, onContinue reading “Reconciling Reconciliation”

UnMasking Arrogance

For me this is a very timely topic we need to discuss. Perhaps that is because as I write this paragraph at 11 am and already this morning I have had three encounters with these masked antagonists. They were not wearing strips of cloth across their eyes, and some may not even know what theyContinue reading “UnMasking Arrogance”


I already see the flashing lights. The grammar police are ready to cite me. However I hope you can be a little more forgiving and accept that I have a reason for restructuring this word. I’ll explain in a moment, on this edition of “Becoming Today”. I’m feeling the need to talk about how toContinue reading “Per-Severing”

Are You, Your Words?

Often along our shared path, we’ve dedicated more than a few words to expressing ourselves better, more concisely, aligned with our values, beliefs and true to the meanings we wish to convey. Now on this edition of “Becoming Today” we’ll talk about why your words need to come from a place of true authenticity. AsContinue reading “Are You, Your Words?”

Becoming Together in Bouncebackability

Life throws a lot our way, wouldn’t you agree?  Sometimes it feels like we just keep getting knocked around, over and over again.. Have you ever wondered how some people seem to bounce back from challenges easier than others?  How are they able to build that inner strength, the kind that lets them weather anyContinue reading “Becoming Together in Bouncebackability”

Grounding Ourselves Today

While it’s something that we ought to be doing everyday, today I think it’s especially important to take some time and sink our roots deep into the earth. Reconnect mindfully with terra firma, to accept the accountability we all share for keeping our planet a viable, living, loving place. Let’s celebrate Earth Day together onContinue reading “Grounding Ourselves Today”

I Rolled Away The Stone

Yesterday I shared with you that I had entered the “Depths of Dormancy” and the fact that this  ‘Mama Bear’ was forced into hibernation. While I didn’t think I needed the rest, the cycles of life proved to me just  how necessary it was.  I had to admit this has been where I had beenContinue reading “I Rolled Away The Stone”

Delivered From Dormancy

I have to admit this has been where I have been residing for the last few weeks, well actually all month long. The depths of dormancy overtook me as I found myself in a bit of a funk. A malaise. Sub-par; less than average. Not at all where I wanted to be. So on thisContinue reading “Delivered From Dormancy”

Reignited & It Feels So Good

This week I’ve been sharing from some deeply personal lessons. I , found myself again noting, “isn’t it ironic that you are asked to be the strongest when you feel the weakest?”. There have been extended periods of time where I was trying to battle physical issues to keep up with day to day tasks.Continue reading “Reignited & It Feels So Good”

Preparing With Diligence

This week we’ve begun exploring new forks along our shared path. Together we will encompass many things arriving at possible solutions: As you continue to reflect on these we’ll consider a preparatory stage necessary before we progress. That’s the focus on this edition of “Becoming Today”.  This initial stage is motivated by an expression weContinue reading “Preparing With Diligence”

Reviving My Revival

As we continue our shared journey along this path of “Becoming Today”, it should not be a surprise that while we “travel” together, no two routes are identical. Most times they are more like rivers than highways. Traveling forward with an ebb and flow, meandering at times rather than the constant buzz and speed ofContinue reading “Reviving My Revival”

Reflections of Grace

Are you ready to let your light shine? Have you ever felt like you have something special to offer the world, but you’re not sure how to share it? Or maybe you dim your light to fit in or avoid attention. Letting your light shine isn’t about arrogant self-promotion; it’s about embracing your unique talents,Continue reading “Reflections of Grace”

Reflections of Mercy

We continue this week by continuing in our ongoing discussion by revealing the next in our 8 Points of Light.  For me this has been a wonderfully blessed experience, which  I am truly glad to share. To this point and place in time we’ve touched upon more than half the flower, having discussed the petalsContinue reading “Reflections of Mercy”