Remaining Thankful

Really? It seems like…. no. But, yes we have reached one more…. eleven. Together we have successfully arrived at the point in our shared journey where we welcome the 11th month of this year. As we say hello to November, let’s discuss the importance of always remaining thankful as we prepare to celebrate a monthContinue reading “Remaining Thankful”

Reintegrating Integrity

It is something that once was understood to be an essential in all you do. In all you inspire. In who you are truly “becoming”. However for far too many, it seems integrity does not even cross their minds in an a average day. On this edition of Becoming Today, as the headline suggests ourContinue reading “Reintegrating Integrity”

Reminding Why

We’ve reached the time of year when seasons literally are preparing to change. So we need to refocus ourselves on that fact. That’s why on this edition of “Becoming Today”, i want to spend some time remembering why it all began. Originally shared as “Why Becoming Became My Way“, this is my testimony as toContinue reading “Reminding Why”

Always Provided For

Throughout the Scriptures there are examples and teachings that point to the fact that we are provided for. So why do we doubt? On this edition of “Becoming Today” we’ll examine how to prepare ourselves to accept that we too are capable of being provided for. If by no other means than just simply listeningContinue reading “Always Provided For”

Are You Accepting Help?

If by no other means than just simply listening to music we should all be able to comprehend that there is not one person who can go through life without needing help at one time or another, and then again. Submitted for your consideration some song lyrics about help…. “Oh, I get by with aContinue reading “Are You Accepting Help?”

Revisiting Readiness, Resilience, and Recovery

Thanks for stopping by. Today we’ll request your direct participation by considering a few specific queries. Asking you to remain steadfast and re-clarify your life’s mission. Ask God to help you recognize what it is that He has uniquely created you for? Take some time for review. Resurrect your vision for your revival? We’ll revealContinue reading “Revisiting Readiness, Resilience, and Recovery”

It’s Okay To Ask

Help is something that at more than one time or another we all need. However  for many, including myself, it’s been difficult if not impossible to ask for. Why is that? Glad you asked because Asking for Help is the focus of our latest conversation here on Becoming Today. Previously I shared a deep, intenselyContinue reading “It’s Okay To Ask”

Conscientious Principled Honor

It’s something that the news of the day again shows us we need to be more concerned with. Rather than seeking to place blame or screaming ‘hooray for our side‘, we need to become more focused on the root of the issues. On this edition of “Becoming Today”, as the headline suggests our conversation willContinue reading “Conscientious Principled Honor”

Renewing Our Steps

As we further prepare to rejuvenate ourselves in this year of “From Within“, “there are some steps we need to consider. So let’s walk together in that direction along our shared path we call “Becoming Today”. So how do we ready ourselves for this discussion? Let’s begin with the concept of “Readiness”.  It’s really beyondContinue reading “Renewing Our Steps”

Why I’ve Continued “Becoming”

As we gather on this last day of our second year together, I feel the need to continue revisiting some of the foundational aspects of this shared path, we’ve been exploring. Then on this edition of “Becoming Today”, I want to discuss some topics many of you have been reaching out about as of late.Continue reading “Why I’ve Continued “Becoming””

Accent on Advent

As we flip another page on the calendar here on “Becoming Today”, you’ll see tomorrow is the day that many will light  the first candle of the “Advent season”. Also known in the East as the “Nativity Feast”, and in other traditions the “Annunciation”,  the Christmas season is officially here as we have one cycle,Continue reading “Accent on Advent”

Gratitude and Generosity

Let’s pick up our discussion now at the intersection of Gratitude and Generosity on this edition of “Becoming Today“. We’ve come to the place along our shared path of when it’s time to discuss how to make yourself open and available to become a “giver”. Instead of resisting help, we must learn to surrender toContinue reading “Gratitude and Generosity”

Gratefully Provided For

Throughout the Scriptures there are examples and teachings that point to the fact that we are provided for. So why do we doubt? On this edition of “Becoming Today” we’ll examine how to prepare ourselves to accept that we too are capable of being provided for. If by no other means than just simply listeningContinue reading “Gratefully Provided For”

Incorruptible Adherence

On this edition of “Becoming Today”, as the headline suggests our conversation will focus on a virtuous, moral and ethical aspect of our lives that is not-optional. Nothing like starting a weekend with a little light reading, right? Integrity.  What is it? Why is it so important?  How do we ensure we are living withContinue reading “Incorruptible Adherence”

Accept Yourself

On this edition of Becoming Today, what I’m asking is for you to accept yourself. Sounds simple, right?  Well just maybe it’s one of those things that sounds easier than they really are.  Nevertheless, accepting ourselves is an integral part of “Becoming”.   Accepting our strengths rather than empowering our perceived weaknesses, accepting our unlimited potentialContinue reading “Accept Yourself”

Readiness, Resilience, and Recovery

Thanks for stopping by. Today we’ll request your direct participation by considering a few specific queries. Asking you to remain steadfast and re-clarify your  life’s mission. Ask God to help you recognize what it is that He has uniquely created you for? Take some time for review. Resurrect your vision for your revival? We’ll revealContinue reading “Readiness, Resilience, and Recovery”

Becoming Kinder

Kindness is an expression of admiration for our fellow human beings. That we all matter and truly have worth. All of our lives have an intrinsic, inalienable God-given value. We’ll explore Becoming Kinder on this edition of “Becoming Today”. We are designed to live a life of service. To use our talents, gifts and abilitiesContinue reading “Becoming Kinder”

Integrity Must Be Included

On this edition of “Becoming Today,” as the headline suggests our conversation will focus on a virtuous, moral and ethical aspect of our lives that is not-optional. Nothing like a little light reading, right? Integrity.  What is it? Why is it so important?  How do we ensure we are living with it?  Where to begin?Continue reading “Integrity Must Be Included”