Marching Ahead

A new day, a new month, soon another season and yet we continue forward also in this period of Lent.

In our discussion we’ll consider ways to continue our becoming by “Marching Ahead” as well as introduce a few new daily features.

In addition to our year-long focus of “4-All”,  we’ll also begin to celebrate “Resurrection Month” as Easter is perhaps sooner than you remembered.

March is also Women’s History Month plus we’ll also approach the next 31-days from a perspective of “Marching” together forward and upward.

Yes indeed a lot lies ahead on our shared calendar, as we begin this edition of “Becoming Today”.

Marching Ahead: Embracing Preparedness, Presence, and Purpose

The early months of a new year often fade into a blur of routine. Sometimes we are snowblinded or find our thoughts frozen by atmospheric conditions, yet as we now progress forward with only 9 days till we ‘spring ahead”, and just  18-days till the Vernal Equinox, it is becoming  the perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and intentionally “march ahead” with renewed focus. 

This is a pivotal time for considering how we can become more prepared, present, and purposeful – propelling ourselves towards the progress, growth, and transformation we desire.

⏭️ Preparedness: The Power of Planning

Preparedness isn’t just about stocking up for emergencies (although that’s important!). It’s about having clear strategies for various areas of your life. Consider these questions:

  • Personal Goals: What milestones do you wish to achieve? Break them down into smaller steps and create a timeline.
  • Finances: Do you have an updated budget, savings plan, and a strategy for tackling any lingering debt?
  • Wellbeing: Are you building healthy routines for your physical and mental health?

Preparedness fosters a sense of control, reducing stress and increasing your ability to navigate challenges as they arise.

🕰️ Presence: Living in the Moment

Caught up in the whirlwind of to-do lists and the constant lure of technology, we often lose our grip on the present. Mindfulness helps anchor us back to the here-and-now. Consider these simple ways to cultivate presence:

  • Focus on your breath: Taking a few deep, conscious breaths brings immediate calm and focus.
  • Engage your senses: Pay attention to the small details around you—the taste of your coffee, the feeling of your chair, and the sounds in your environment.
  • Practice single-tasking: Resist the urge to multitask and dedicate yourself fully to one thing at a time.

Living with presence enhances gratitude, reduces anxiety, and helps us appreciate the journey, not just the destination.

🧭 Purpose: Finding Your True North

When we align our actions with our deeper sense of purpose, we find greater meaning and fulfillment. Here are some questions to help clarify your purpose:

  • What fills you with joy: Are there any causes you’re passionate about? What activities make you lose track of time?
  • Strengths and values: What are your unique skills and talents? What principles guide your life?
  • How do you wish to serve? How can you use your passions and strengths to contribute and make a positive impact?

Discovering your purpose is an ongoing process. Stay open to how it shifts as you go through different experiences.

🤗 Embracing the Journey of Transformation

Becoming more prepared, present, and purposeful in our “march ahead” is not about achieving perfection. It’s about committing to progress over time. There will be setbacks and detours, but the important part is that we keep moving forward with intention.

This time of year offers a unique chance to reset and refocus. Take a moment, breathe, and determine where you want your “March” to lead.

“Marching Ahead”: Our Plan for Growth, Transformation, & Purpose

The early months of a year hold a special energy, a blank canvas inviting us to co-create the life we wish to live. If you’re looking to become more prepared, present, and purposeful in your journey, here’s an 8-step action plan to guide your “march ahead”:

1. Define Your Vision: Dedicate 30 minutes to clear your mind, grab a journal, and answer: “What does a truly fulfilling life look like for me?” Be specific and honest.

2. Break Down Your Goals: Take your vision and identify 3-5 major goals aligning with different areas of your life (e.g., career, health, relationships). Break each goal into smaller, actionable steps.

3. Create a Personalized Roadmap: Develop a schedule or planner for your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Allocate time for each goal and schedule regular self-assessments to track progress.

4. Embrace Continuous Learning: Dedicate time each week to learn new skills or knowledge related to your goals. Take a course, read a book, or find a mentor in your desired field.

5. Cultivate Mindfulness: Start a daily mindfulness practice. This could include meditation, journaling, or simply focusing on your breath for a few minutes. Being present reduces stress and enhances focus.

6. Prioritize Self-Care: Schedule activities that nourish your physical and mental well-being. This could include exercise, healthy eating, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

7. Connect with Your Purpose: Reflect on your values, strengths, and passions. Ask yourself: “How can I utilize my talents to contribute to something meaningful?” This will help you identify your purpose and create a fulfilling life path.

8. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, big and small. This reinforcement motivates you to keep marching forward on your journey.

Remember: Always be patient with yourself, embrace challenges as opportunities for learning, and constantly refine your approach as you progress. You have the power to create the life you desire, one intentional step at a time.

Plus those steps include marching ahead in this season of becoming and resurrecting.

Which leads us to today’s ‘Lenten Letter”. For the entirety of this season I am challenging myself to address the need to “give up” something each day. 

When I first took on this exercise last year, my sister GiGI exclaimed, ‘are there 40-things you can give up?!?’. 

As I learned with some unforeseen developments there were actually more than that. So again this Lenten season I am publicly sharing my struggles and giving testimony as I witness the outcomes.

In the following letter I am seeking to release a lingering fear….

Dear Jesus,

I come to you today with a humble request. I have been struggling with a deep-seated fear of scarcity for as long as I can remember. 

This fear has affected my life in many ways, causing me to feel anxious, stressed, and unable to trust in your provision.

I know that you are a God of abundance, and that you desire to pour out your blessings upon your children. However, far too often, I find it difficult to believe that you have enough for me, especially when I look at the circumstances around me.

I know that my fear of scarcity is irrational, but it is real to me. 

It is a constant companion that whispers lies in my ear, telling me that I am not enough, that I will never have enough, and that I need to hold on tightly to what I have.

Lord, I am tired of living in fear. I want to be free from the chains of scarcity. I want to more freely and fully trust that you are a God who is more than enough, and that you will always provide for my needs.

I ask you to help me to give up my fear of scarcity. Please give me the strength to completely accept  that you are a loving Father who cares for me deeply. 

Help me to trust in your provision and to live in abundance, knowing that you will always be there for me.

 Thank you in advance, love always,

After meditation, prayer and reflection I have found myself guided to the solace that once again I am not the only one.

Much research has generated some time tested truths to help us all to release our attachment to this false fear. 

Conquering the Scarcity Mindset: 

Healthy Habits to Release the Fear of “Not Enough”

The fear of scarcity – the feeling that there won’t be enough resources, opportunities, or time – can become a major roadblock to happiness and growth.

 It can lead to anxiety, unhealthy competition, and a distorted view of reality.

 However,  the good news is, this fear can be released and replaced with a sense of abundance and security. Here are some healthy ways to manage and overcome a scarcity mindset:

1. Cultivate Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful antidote to fear. Start a gratitude practice by writing down three things you’re grateful for each day, big or small. Reflecting on what you already have shifts your focus from lack to abundance.

2. Reframe Your Thinking: When scarcity thoughts arise, challenge them with evidence-based counter-arguments. Instead of thinking “There aren’t enough jobs,” consider “I have diverse skills and experiences that are valuable in the job market.”

3. Focus on the Present: Dwelling on past losses or worrying about the future fuels the fear of scarcity. Practice mindfulness to be present in the moment. Engaging your senses and focusing on your breath can help ground you and reduce anxiety.

4. Celebrate Others’ Successes: Contrary to what the fear of scarcity might tell you, celebrating others’ achievements doesn’t diminish your own potential. In fact, it can create a sense of community and inspire you to strive for your own goals.

5. Practice Generosity: Sharing your time, resources, and talents with others not only benefits them but also fosters a sense of abundance in your own life. Volunteering or making small gestures of kindness can have a significant positive impact.

6. Prioritize Self-Care: When we neglect our well-being, we become more susceptible to negative thoughts and emotions. Prioritize healthy sleep, nutritious meals, regular exercise, and activities that bring you joy. A balanced self-care routine builds resilience and reduces stress.

7. Limit Comparisons: Comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to ignite the fire of scarcity. Everyone has their own unique journey and struggles. Celebrate your individuality and focus on your own path to growth.

8. Seek Professional Help: If the fear of scarcity is significantly impacting your daily life, consider seeking professional help from a therapist, counselor or pastor. They can provide more tools and techniques to manage your thoughts, build self-confidence, and cultivate a healthier mindset.

Remember, releasing the fear of scarcity is a process that takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your small victories, and focus on progress over perfection. 

By incorporating these healthy habits into your life, you can cultivate a sense of abundance and create a more fulfilling and joyful future.

BTW, the fear of scarcity is nothing new. It is not one of these things to become falsely labeled as “woke” or denied. For far too many it has become a multi generational challenge. 

Dispute that? 

Well here is how centuries ago, our ancestors dealt with overcoming a fear of lack and scarcity.

Biblical Principles Addressing Fear and Scarcity

The Bible offers numerous verses and stories that address themes of trust, provision, and overcoming fear. Here are a few key principles:

☦️ God’s Faithfulness: The Bible repeatedly emphasizes God’s character as a loving provider.  As we can read in Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus encourages us not to worry about food or clothing because God cares for even the birds and flowers.

And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 

Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”

🙏 The Power of Faith: Faith is presented as an antidote to fear. Philippians 4:6-7 instructs us to replace anxiety with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving, trusting in God’s peace.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything.”

🔎 Focus on Seeking God’s Kingdom: Jesus teaches in Matthew 6:33 that seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness should be our priority, with the promise that our needs will be met.

“… He will give you everything you need.”

🙂  Contentment and Generosity: The Bible warns against a love of money and encourages contentment with what we have (Hebrews 13:5). It also advocates generosity towards others as a way to break free from a scarcity mindset (Proverbs 11:24-25).

I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”

And there are many more. So you could now make the choice  to become more active in our discussion. Share the verses that have helped you or maybe even do some research.

Don’t know where to start?

Perhaps you could consider searching terms like, “fear,” “doubt,” “provision,” and “trust”. And then add to the conversation here along our shared path.

The journey of “Marching Ahead” is rarely linear.

There will be moments of doubt and fear, but don’t let them hold you back. Embrace the power of preparation, mindfulness, and purpose. 

By cultivating trust in yourself and aligning yourself with your values, you can overcome the fear of scarcity and navigate the path towards a fulfilling and abundant life. 

So, keep “Marching Ahead”. Your  journey of growth and transformation awaits, and continues when you choose to join us again tomorrow for our next edition of “Becoming Today”. 

Gaither – Through It All

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