Crossing My Doorway

Have you ever felt a shiver down your spine when a black cat crossed your path, or experienced a sense of awe at a seemingly inexplicable coincidence? 

Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon an ancient artifact in your attic or witnessed an event that defied all odds. While these strange occurrences can leave us bewildered, they also hold the potential to unveil hidden wisdom, offering new perspectives and nudging us towards a brighter path.

I am inviting you to step outside of your comfort zone, to look beyond your daily rituals and take notice of the synchronicities that arrive just in time to guide us on this edition of “Becoming Today”. 

Consider if you will the crow cawing persistently outside your window. 

Some might dismiss it as mere noise, yet others might see it as a symbol of transformation, urging them to shed old skin and embrace change. 

Or the dream you can’t shake, filled with vivid imagery and cryptic messages. Could it be a metaphorical roadmap offering guidance you haven’t acknowledged?

Wisdom doesn’t always arrive with a fanfare. Sometimes, it whispers through the unusual, the unexpected. By tuning into these seemingly strange occurrences, we open ourselves to deeper reflections, hidden meanings, and even opportunities for self-discovery.

But how do we navigate this unfamiliar terrain? Here are a few tips:

  • Practice mindful observation: Be present in the moment, noticing details and engaging your senses. Ask yourself, “What emotions does this evoke? What associations does it spark?”
  • Seek diverse perspectives: Share your experience with trusted friends, mentors, or even online communities. Hearing different interpretations can open doors to unforeseen possibilities.
  • Research and explore: Delve into the symbolism and mythology associated with your experience. You might be surprised at the rich tapestry of meaning waiting to be unraveled.
  • Trust your intuition: Ultimately, the meaning lies within you. Pay attention to your gut feeling, and don’t be afraid to follow its whispers, even if they seem illogical.

Remember, even in the face of the unknown, hope is always present. Strange occurrences don’t have to be harbingers of doom, but rather, catalysts for personal growth and transformation.

By embracing the Great Mystery, seeking wisdom  from within, and approaching these experiences with an open mind, we can unlock hidden potentials and reframe our perception of the world, finding hope even in the most unexpected places.

So, the next time a strange occurrence knocks on your door, don’t slam it shut. Instead, greet it with curiosity, and embark on a journey of discovery that might just illuminate your path and fill your heart with renewed hope. 

After all, the Universe speaks in many languages, and sometimes, the strangest whispers hold the most profound wisdom. And precisely at the right time as I’ll explain in today’s ‘Lenten Letter”

Dear Jesus,

I come to you today, feeling lost and in need of your guidance. The challenges and struggles I face in life seem overwhelming, and I find it difficult to maintain my hope and faith.

With a humble and contrite heart, I seek your help in keeping my hope afloat. Grant me the strength and perseverance to navigate through the storms of life. Remind me of your unfailing love and mercy, and help me to see the light even in the darkest moments.

I surrender my worries and fears to you, Jesus. Give me the grace to trust in your divine plan and to believe that you have my best interests at heart. Please help me to find hope in your promises and to hold on to the assurance that you will never forsake me.

Renew my spirit, Lord, and ignite my faith. Let your peace wash over me, and remind me that I am not alone in my struggles. Fill me with a sense of hope that surpasses all understanding, and let it be my anchor in times of distress.

Through your love and grace, I know that all things are possible. 

Help me to keep my eyes fixed on you, Jesus, and to find strength in your presence. Guide my steps and lead me on the path of hope and righteousness.

Thank you in advance, Lord, for your response.

Love Always, 

Ask and you shall receive; however always remember how your prayers are answered may not at all resemble your expected results.

That is certainly the case today , as I found solace and wisdom in a conversation I may  or may not have actually had. 

In the mystery of the universe, somehow I am able to share, on the 292 nd anniversary of his birth, a conversation with a founding father figure who spoke with me about how to keep hope afloat and offers insights into some challenging conversations we keep hearing. 

Imagine my surprise late last night as the doorbell rang and I covered up to respond.

I opened  the door to find  a tall, muscular man standing on my doorstep, his weathered face etched with the marks of years of struggle and triumph.

“General Washington! What an unexpected honor sir. Please, come in.”

“Thank you, good madam. I see you harbor curiosity about the flame of hope, a fire I too tended through dark nights.”

“Indeed, sir. Your leadership amidst revolution and uncertainty inspires many. How did you manage to keep hope alive, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds?”

“Remember, madam, that hope thrives not on blind optimism, but on perseverance and spirit. As I wrote to John Hancock, ‘Three things prompt men to a regular discharge of their duty in time of action: natural bravery, hope of reward, and fear of punishment.’ But true hope transcends these fleeting motivations.”

“So, was it more than just external factors? More than mere circumstances”

“Precisely. I found solace in ‘the contemplation of human nature in a progressive state of improvement and melioration.’ Progress may be slow, but it exists. As I expressed to the Marquis de Lafayette , ‘For I love to indulge the contemplation of human nature in a progressive state of improvement and melioration: and if the idea would not be considered as visionary and chimerical, I could fondly hope that the time is not very distant when all mankind will become one family.’

“That’s quite a dream, General. Did you truly believe it could come true?”

“Belief wasn’t a luxury I could afford. But ‘hope, the animating principle of our existence,’ as I proclaimed in my First Inaugural Address, fueled my actions. Even amidst trials, I held onto the ‘firmness and virtue’ to strive for a better future.”

“And even when things went wrong?”

“Of course! Setbacks are inevitable, as I wrote to Alexander Hamilton: ‘Still I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain (what I consider the most enviable of all titles) the character of an honest man.’ Hope wasn’t about avoiding mistakes, but about learning from them and rising again.”

“Your words offer powerful encouragement, General. I thank you for sharing your wisdom.”

“Remember, madam, hope is a choice, not a guarantee. Choose it every day, for the sake of yourself, your community, and the brighter future we all strive for.”

“If I may sir, might I inquire about an issue that has been of much debate lately?”

Washington’s keen gaze settles on my eyes inviting me to continue. “Speak plainly, my friend. What troubles your mind?”

The role of religion in our fledgling nation, sir. Some claim the Founders, including yourself, intended America to become a Christian nation, while others disagree.”

A thoughtful furrow creases Washington’s brow. “I see. An important and timely question indeed. As you know, I took great care to uphold religious freedom throughout my life and presidency. 

Remember, in my Farewell Address, I declared ‘the invaluable and sacred privilege of believing, acting, and speaking according to the dictates of your conscience?’

“Indeed, sir,” I replied feeling my own understanding shifingt, “But some point to your references to Providence and your support for chaplains in the army as evidence of a Christian tilt.”

Washington nods. “True, I acknowledged a Divine hand in human affairs, as did many in my time. However, ‘the Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion…The Government owes to every Man this protection; and he shall enjoy the same religious freedom which he enjoys in the State to which he belongs.“This I originally expressed in a letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island.

“So, a separation of church and state was your intention?” I ask to clarify.

“Precisely, madam. While faith played a personal role in my life, ‘The civil rights of none are diminished, impaired, or violated by their religious professions’. This I wrote about in my letter to the Quakers.

“But what about the morals and values that Christianity instilled in the Founders?” 

Washington smiles faintly. “Those values, yes, they have shaped who we are. But remember,  as  I informed in correspondence with the Virginia Baptists, I charred thoughts of how it is the indispensable duty of government to see that all religious sects are provided with the means of religious education…while it is just as true, that every man has a natural and inalienable right to believe that which he thinks is right, and every man has a natural and inalienable right to express his thoughts in public or in private…No power over consciences exists in man.

“I thank you sir for your candid and sincere responses as our conversation takes place in such an unexpected manner.”

“Indeed, madam. Fate has a curious way of arranging encounters. Pray, tell me, prior to my unannounced interruption, what troubles your mind this fine evening?”

“Well, General, lately I’ve found myself grappling with disillusionment. The world seems, frankly, a messy place, and hope feels hard to come by.”

“Ah, a foe I know well. Disillusionment can be a cunning adversary, but remember, ‘there is nothing which can better deserve our patronage than the promotion of science and literature. Knowledge breeds understanding, and understanding fosters hope.”

“That’s an interesting perspective, General. How did you always seem to remain hope filled  yourself, leading a fledgling nation through revolution and uncertainty?”

‘Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages,’ I once wrote. Hope wasn’t blind optimism, but a belief in the potential of individuals and the strength of collective action. Even in the darkest hours, ‘the time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves,’ and that determination fueled the flame of hope.”

“However, what about moments of doubt? Did you ever falter?”

“No man is immune to doubt, madam. Yet, amidst personal tribulations and national hardships, I clung to ‘the character of an honest man,’ a title I deemed more valuable than any other. Honesty breeds trust, and trust fosters the bonds of community, essential for weathering any storm.”

“Community, you say? How does that connect to hope?”

‘Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all,’ I implored in my Farewell Address. By working together, by upholding shared values, hope not only survives, but thrives. It becomes a collective endeavor, a beacon that guides us forward.”

“Your words resonate deeply, General. Perhaps my hope truly lies not just within myself, but in the connections I forge with others.”

“Precisely, madam. Remember, ‘the harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.’ Disillusionment may test you, but through perseverance, knowledge, and the strength of community, you too can emerge with hope renewed.”

With a thoughtful nod, General Washington stands and takes his leave, his presence leaving a lingering warmth that fuels my resolve., illuminating a little brighter, my path ahead becomes a little clearer, thanks to the wisdom gleaned from a bygone era.

Oh what a night!

 Reminding me the answers we need are always within reach. Are readily available and in sharing them we work together for the betterment of the whole. 

Between my ‘Lenten Letter’ and the appearance of my most unexpected visitor, I am now better able to give testimony for what I have experienced, lived and witnessed.

When Hope Seems Lost: 8 Strategies to Rekindle the Flame

There are moments in life when the world shrinks to a canvas painted in shades of despair. Dreams fade, aspirations crumble, and hope becomes a distant memory.

 It’s a feeling we all encounter, that suffocating sense of helplessness where darkness whispers, “Give up.” But even amidst the deepest shadows, the embers of hope still flicker. Here’s how to fan them back into a flame:

1. Acknowledge the Darkness: Denial only prolongs the suffering. Acknowledge the pain, the fear, the hopelessness. But remember, acknowledging isn’t the same as surrendering. It’s the first step towards change.

2. Seek the Light: Surround yourself with positivity. Talk to friends, family, mentors, or a therapist. Read inspiring stories, listen to uplifting music, watch funny movies – whatever ignites even a spark of joy.

3. Celebrate Small Victories: Focus on the little wins, no matter how insignificant they seem. Did you get out of bed today? Did you eat a healthy meal? Did you make someone smile? Each victory, however small, is a step towards hope.

4. Reconnect with Gratitude: Practice daily gratitude. Write down three things you’re grateful for each day, even if it’s just the warmth of the sun on your skin. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s missing to what you have.

5. Embrace Your Strengths: Remind yourself of what you’ve overcome in the past. List your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. You are stronger than you think.

6. Find Inspiration: Immerse yourself in stories of resilience. Read biographies of individuals who overcame adversity, watch documentaries about human triumph, or simply listen to the stories of those around you.

7. Help Others: When we focus on helping others, the spotlight shifts from our own struggles. Volunteer your time, offer a kind word, or simply listen. Helping others reminds us of the good in the world and rekindles hope within ourselves.

8. Nurture your Spirit: Seek solace in practices that nourish your soul. Engage in meditation, prayer, spending time in nature, or any activity that connects you to something larger than yourself.

Remember, hope is not a magic pill. It’s a journey, a muscle that needs constant exercise. These strategies are not a one-time fix, but tools to build resilience and reignite the fire within. Be patient, be kind to yourself, and never give up. Hope may seem lost today, but tomorrow, it could be waiting around the corner, ready to guide you back to light.

What are your strategies for overcoming hopelessness? 

Please share your thoughts in the comments section. 

Together, let’s keep the flame of hope alive.

The embers of hope, I trust, are burning brighter than before. 

We’ve explored the power of hope, not as a naive wish, but as a steady flame that illuminates even the darkest paths. Remember, hope is not just a personal pursuit, it’s a collective endeavor.

Like a single candle lighting a room, each of us, by nurturing our own hope, can contribute to a brighter future for all. Let’s carry this conversation beyond these walls, sharing stories of resilience, acts of kindness, and unwavering belief in the good that resides within ourselves and each other.

We are not passive passengers on this journey. 

We are architects of hope, empowered to build a world where dreams take flight, challenges become stepping stones, and the flame of hope burns eternally. 

Let’s go forth, not just hoping for a better world, but actively co-creating it, together, one hopeful step at a time.

May the fire of hope forever burn bright within you, and may your light inspire others to do the same as we continue forward together along this shared path we call “Becoming Today”. 

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